1、BMC Anesthesiology(3区)
简介:BMC Anesthesiology is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of anesthesiology, critical care, perioperative care and pain management, including clinical and experimental research into anesthetic mechanisms, administration and efficacy, technology and monitoring, and associated economic issues.
简介:Anesthesiology founded in 1940, leads the world in publication of peer-reviewed novel research that transforms clinical practice and fundamental understanding in anesthesiology: the practice of perioperative, critical care, and pain medicine. Anesthesiology is the official journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists but operates with complete editorial autonomy. With an independent and internationally recognized Editorial Board, the Journal leads the specialty in promotion of original research by providing immediate open access to highlighted articles and free access to all published articles 6 months after publication, supported by an active press release program. Anesthesiology is committed to publishing and disseminating the highest quality work to inform daily clinical practice and transform the practice of medicine in our specialty.
3、British Journal of Anaesthesia(1区)
简介:The British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) publishes high-impact original work in all branches of anaesthesia, critical care medicine, pain medicine and perioperative medicine including fundamental, translational and clinical sciences, clinical practice, technology, education and training. In addition, the Journal publishes review articles, important case reports, correspondence and special articles of general interest.The journal is proudly affiliated with The Royal College of Anaesthetists, The College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland, and The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists. This affiliation allows college members access to the BJA and its sister title BJA Education. Both journals retain their editorial independence.
4、Journal of Clinical Anesthesia(1区)
审稿周期: 较慢,6-12周
简介:The Journal of Clinical Anesthesia (JCA) addresses all aspects of anesthesia practice, including anesthetic administration, pharmacokinetics, preoperative and postoperative considerations, coexisting disease and other complicating factors, cost issues, and similar concerns anesthesiologists contend with daily. Exceptionally high standards of presentation and accuracy are maintained.
The core of the journal is original contributions on subjects relevant to clinical practice, and rigorously peer-reviewed. Highly respected international experts have joined together to form the Editorial Board, sharing their years of experience and clinical expertise. Specialized section editors cover the various subspecialties within the field. To keep your practical clinical skills current, the journal bridges the gap between the laboratory and the clinical practice of anesthesiology and critical care to clarify how new insights can improve daily practice.
5、Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine(2区)
简介: Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine, the official publication of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA), is a monthly journal that publishes peer-reviewed scientific and clinical studies to advance the understanding and clinical application of regional techniques for surgical anesthesia and postoperative analgesia. Coverage includes intraoperative regional techniques, perioperative pain, chronic pain, obstetric anesthesia, pediatric anesthesia, outcome studies, and complications.
Published for over thirty years, this respected journal also serves as the official publication of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA), the Asian and Oceanic Society of Regional Anesthesia (AOSRA), the Latin American Society of Regional Anesthesia (LASRA), the African Society for Regional Anesthesia (AFSRA), and the Academy of Regional Anaesthesia of India (AORA).
6、Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia(4区)
简介: The Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia is primarily aimed at anesthesiologists who deal with patients undergoing cardiac, thoracic or vascular surgical procedures. JCVA features a multidisciplinary approach, with contributions from cardiac, vascular and thoracic surgeons, cardiologists, and other related specialists. Emphasis is placed on rapid publication of clinically relevant material.
7、Canadian Journal of Anesthesia(3区)
简介:The Canadian Journal of Anesthesia (the Journal) is owned by the Canadian Anesthesiologists’Society and is published by Springer Science + Business Media, LLM (New York). From the first year of publication in 1954, the international exposure of the Journal has broadened considerably, with articles now received from over 50 countries. The Journ