Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) is an interdisciplinary journal in Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering with the purpose of reporting scientific advancements of the highest quality arising from new techniques in sensing, instrumentation, signal processing, modelling and control of dynamic systems. MSSP papers are expected to make a demonstrable original contribution to engineering knowledge, which should be significant in terms of advancement over established methods. Especially sought are papers that include both theoretical and experimental aspects, or that include theoretical material of high relevance to practical applications
Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing中文简介
《Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing》是一本由ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD出版商出版的专业工程技术期刊,该刊创刊于1987年,刊期Bimonthly,该刊已被国际权威数据库SCIE收录。在中科院最新升级版分区表中,该刊分区信息为大类学科:工程技术 2区,小类学科:工程:机械 1区;在JCR(Journal Citation Reports)分区等级为Q1。该刊发文范围涵盖工程:机械等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外工程:机械工作者在该领域取得的最新研究成果、工作进展及学术动态、技术革新等,促进学术交流,鼓励学术创新。2021年影响因子为8.934,平均审稿速度约6.7个月。