The Chinese Medical Journal (CMJ ) is published semimonthly in English by the Chinese Medical Association, and is a peer reviewed general medical journal for all doctors, researchers, and health workers regardless of their medical specialty or type of employment. Established in 1887, it is the oldest medical periodical in China and is distributed worldwide. The journal functions as a window into China’s medical sciences and reflects the advances and progress in China’s medical sciences and technology. It serves the objective of international academic exchange. The journal includes Original Articles, Editorial, Review Articles, Medical Progress, Brief Reports, Case Reports, Viewpoint, Clinical Exchange, Letter,and News,etc. CMJ is abstracted or indexed in many databases including Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Index Medicus/Medline, Science Citation Index (SCI), Current Contents, Cancerlit, Health Plan & Administration, Embase, Social Scisearch, Aidsline, Toxline, Biocommercial Abstracts, Arts and Humanities Search, Nuclear Science Abstracts, Water Resources Abstracts, Cab Abstracts, Occupation Safety & Health, etc. In 2007, the impact factor of the journal by SCI is 0.636, and the total citation is 2315.
Chinese Medical Journal中文简介
《Chinese Medical Journal》是一本由LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS出版商出版的专业医学期刊,该刊创刊于1975年,刊期Monthly,该刊已被国际权威数据库SCIE、SCI收录。在中科院最新升级版分区表中,该刊分区信息为大类学科:医学 3区,小类学科:医学:内科 3区;在JCR(Journal Citation Reports)分区等级为Q1。该刊发文范围涵盖医学:内科等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国内外医学:内科工作者在该领域取得的最新研究成果、工作进展及学术动态、技术革新等,促进学术交流,鼓励学术创新。2021年影响因子为6.133,平均审稿速度约6.0个月。