投稿的时候遇到这个,请问下咋选 to complete your submission you must select a statement which best reflects the availability of your research data/code. please select a response
1 no data was used for the research described in the article
2 the data that has been used is confidential
3 the authors do not have permission to share data
4 data will be made available on request
5 the authors are unable or have chosen not to specify which data has been used
6 other
遇到这种情况,需要作者根据自身论文情况去选择,毕竟谁有谁的实际情况,文字无法解决所有人的问题。爱思唯尔期刊发表论文更多参考:投稿爱思唯尔signal processing、爱思唯尔(Elsevier)期刊接收后多久proof。